The brutal reality of domestic violence is that it consists of numerous small fights, big fights, wars, and fatal, near-suicidal incidents… There are no compromises, no compromises. Jealousy reaches its peak and offensive language is used by all parties involved. This couple is not here to live happily ever after. They are cruel to those who allow them to be mean and harmful because they have hidden motives for doing so. There are people who are actively looking for abusers and abusers.
They are always looking for victims and potential victims. Somehow these victims must continue to suffer. Every society has its share of the poor, the perpetrators and the victims. Because that’s how the system works. It’s true, but sad. Domestic violence is usually a love-hate relationship, so viewers have to cross the street all the time. This guy doesn’t do well with two savages. If they weren’t hitting and shooting each other, I wouldn’t be involved. That’s exactly what taxpayer-funded police should do.
For this reason, police officers are armed and wear badges. They are always prepared for civil unrest.
The truth is that neither victims nor perpetrators of religious abuse fully understand each other. They refuse to admit the problem, but their lives are a disaster and they love the mess they’ve made.It’s almost impossible to understand how they feel about each other. Even they cannot accurately describe, identify, or treat any particular disease. Embracing the urge to physically abuse someone you claim to love is wrong and borderline criminal. I have a history of seeing parents and others cruelly treat their loved ones. For some reason it is ingrained in their consciousness.
It’s really hard for her to shake off because there are times when it’s fun and times when it’s exciting. These perpetrators are skilled at what they do. They must attack to pound, maim, and tear the flesh of others, even though they know it to be destructive, dangerous, and cruel. They require more care than physical therapy.They need to be watched closely.
They use each other as punching bags because they can. Females are just as deadly as males, but males are often stereotyped as tough and overly aggressive. No one can survive without another.
They regularly find themselves in difficult situations and don’t know how to deal with them, but they do know one thing.
You can’t live without hurting others.
They may cry and say nasty things, but they will make up quickly if given the chance. It’s a short time, but I cherish the time apart from the reunion. Many people really miss verbal attacks, physical violence and abuse. After being slammed to the ground so many times, you may get used to it and subconsciously want to walk away.
Each case of domestic violence must be treated individually and carefully. Each case is unique and carries all the warning signs that the nightmare will happen again. Each one of us provides tremendous amounts of love, care, mental and physical strength. All spouses have good days and bad days that are impossible to predict. All couples deal with important emotional issues and demons they don’t fully understand. Unfortunately, neither partner has a button to alert them when the other is trying to act maliciously and aggressively.The device can measure adrenaline surges and emotional excitement of danger or violence. .
They appreciate what they do as if they could be drugged and raged at any moment. They enjoy teasing others and observing their reactions, whether positive, negative, or neutral. They enjoy running laps and pulling chains. Drugs and alcohol can make the problem worse. They can occasionally be ideal companions to drugs and alcohol.
It is very difficult to understand the perpetrator’s and victim’s perspectives when it comes to domestic violence. They depend on each other and walk bloody miles for each other. We recognize it because they are nothing more than content campers in a leaner, less malicious age.
They are fine while sipping their favorite drink or conversing in their preferred way. Suddenly, anger intensifies, and they find themselves locked in a devastating protracted battle. In this rough and tumultuous time they use some derogatory names and expressions for each other.Registered civil partnerships should avoid this. Not good if you have young children, close relatives or friends.
They really need counseling and an anger management program.These two sweet hearts can’t survive without each other.
The only thing they can do to settle in is to retreat to their individual corners, and they need a consultant on hand 24/7. But that’s not possible because no one wants to spend a lot of time with these two wild adults. Who wants to be anywhere near that kind of crap?